Please explore our website to learn about Quakers, and to find out more about Local Quaker Meetings and events in our area of North and East Yorkshire.
As Quakers we believe that God can be found in everyone, and that we all can share God’s love. We meet together regularly in silent worship, during which anyone moved to speak may do so. Find out more about Quakers from our linked pages.
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Clerking Team: (Clerking Team: Dilys Cluer, Brenda Rigby, Helen Rowlands, Jane Wilson, Heather Woolley)
Treasurer: John Newton (; Asst. Treasurer: Paul Wicks
Clerk to Trustees: Michelle Fisher:
Clerk of AM Finance and Property Committee: Heather Woolley
Membership Clerk: Margaret Iveson
Registering Officer: Fiona Waddington
Safeguarding Officer: Fiona Waddington
Worfolk Cottage bookings: Eleanor Rhodes
Newsletter Editor: Heather Tweddle
Registered Charity no. 1134538
Sun 16 February
Whitby Meeting for Worship
Venue: Green Lane Community Centre (YO22 4EH)
3rd Sundays, 10.30-11.30 at Green Lane Community Centre (YO22 4EH). All welcome; contact Chris 07929 652 877
Sat 1 March
Fylingdales Meeting for Worship
Venue: Fylingdales
Fylingdales Meeting for Worship is held on the first Saturday bimonthly.
Fri 7 March
Flamborough Meeting for worship
Venue: Flamborough
Meeting for Worship followed by a shared lunch afterwards, in St. Oswald’s Church Hall; contact