To celebrate Maltons 200th Anniversary this year, we are embarking on a project to upgrade Malton Meeting House.
We need to raise £115,000 to replace the broken heating system and create an energy efficient Quaker Meeting House.
With a new system we can continue to serve our growing Malton community into a new era.
With the guidance of a local architect who specialises in listed and historic buildings, we plan to insulate the external walls and then install:
Original features include panelling, benches, ceiling mouldings and Georgian sash windows.
As Quaker stewards we feel a strong concern to do all we can to mitigate the effects of climate change and to let out lives speak.
Our Meeting House is used by many
local groups and organisations. The Meeting House, garden and Quaker burial ground are appreciated for the tranquillity, sense of history and continuity they provide.
Malton Quaker Meeting Project Appeal
The Project Treasurer
Malton Quaker Meeting House
North Yorkshire
YO17 7EN
or Payment by BACS to:
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00098468
Account Name: Pickering and Hull Area Quaker Meeting
Important - Please use MaltonPA as your reference.
Please give us your contact details so that we can acknowledge your donation and thank you!
A story serialised in fragments for Quaker Week and written for the Quaker Malton Festival 2016 by Chris Newsam.
Click the button and discover in a few short serialised fragments a remarkable story, a story of a 'peculiar people', called or nicknamed Quakers - The Quakers of Malton.